Relationships like marriage, romance, live together or any of similar
kinds can be sustained with a happy note if some of the secret rules
are followed. Relationship is completely subjective and no clear cut
rules can be executed on it, yet following certain guidelines may help
proceeding happily in a relationship.
Many of these, so called, rules are based on the life experience of
many happy couple and also the observation of people. When two people
get into relationships, many of them wish for lasting relationships. But
pathetically, a good number of them go apart after a while, in search
of new partners. Let us see the secrets that constitute long lasting
relationships or ever remaining relationships.
Breakup and Divorce are not the Solution
When asked about the best possible way of resolving the issues in
relationships or marriage, many people may comment that breakup or a
divorce is the best possible method of putting an end to all the
troubles in a relationships. It is the biggest mistake people commit.
The reason for increased divorce rate is analyzed as the mentality of
people who even before getting into a relationship think divorce as
means of solving possible issues in it. Divorce is never an option but
it's the utmost decision to be taken in life only at an inevitable
situation. Do not even think about a breakup or marriage whenever you
confront with minor issues in relationships. Issues are just byproducts
of the happiness experienced in the relationships.
No Perfect Relationships, but Perfect Situations
No one can be considered in a perfect relationship, how happy the
couple is, as happiness in a relationship is just the happiness of the
situations created by the partners. No relationship, as a whole, is
destined to be jovial and satisfying. There can be moments of happiness
and moments of struggles.
The couple who learns the secrets of balancing both happiness and
struggles wins the life and enjoys the best possible relationship and
life. When in tension or issues, many people may think that they are
fated to fall in to wrong relationship, and at the same time ignore the
possible chances of making each moments in life happy by understanding
the partner a bit more and adjusting a bit more.
Never be Afraid or Make Him/Her Afraid
Another secret of happy relationship lies in being open and frank with
the partner. Do not feel afraid to express you mind to the partner and
never ever make him/her afraid of you to tell out the mind. When people
communicate each other many of the issues can be melted down. An issue,
how ignorable it is, when kept in mind for several days, can take forms
of anger, frustration, dislike etc., and get expressed in the most
undesirable manners. Let the communication between the partners be a
frequent element and no one should hold the words when he/she really
wants to talk.
Love Defined is Respect and Care
You can just tell that you love your partner but can never express the
love as it is. There is no emotion like love, but it comes as a package
which includes, respect, care, share, dedication, forgiveness etc.,
express the emotions whenever possible to make the other person feel the
intensity of your love. Do not be a miser in loving the partner and let
your love be unconditional. It is rightly said that love is defined as
respect and care. When the partner feels that you do not care for
him/her or do not give him/her the due respect, the person may think of
an alternative to you.
Always Support Each Other
Never ever leave your partner unsupported. Whatever be the opinions and
ideas, know that you are the only one he/she can lean for support. When
both of you are alone, you can argue among yourself on points you
disagree with the other one, but in public both of you have only one
mind. Holding the hands, especially when he/she is sad or broken, is
helpful to convey you care for the person. Once you have decided to live
together, then no questions of separation may arise, even in the